On October 13-14, 2020 the Kick Off Meeting of the EFFECTOR project took place virtually. Sixteen project partners from six European countries (i.e. France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Bulgaria, Montenegro) got together to launch the EFFECTOR activities and discuss the procedures that the consortium will follow during its implementation period as well as the work to be carried out the upcoming period. The EFFECTOR is a project funded by the European Union under the Horizon 2020 programme with lifecycle of eighteen months.
During the first day (Day 1) of the meeting, the project partners introduced themselves, the organization that they represent and their responsibilities within the consortium. Later on, a brake down of each work package was made and the related activities were presented by each responsible partner.
In the second day (Day 2) of the kick off meeting, the consortium’s discussions focused at start on user’s requirements and the technical specifications. Later on, the selected routes for disseminating the project’s results were outlined, the planned communication actions were explicated and the rules that should be followed by each partner were presented.
Lastly, the second day was completed with a fruitful discussion on technical issues of the EFFECTOR system (technical session). The EFFECTOR kick off meeting was closed by the project coordinators Mr. Alexis Blum from SGMer (France) and Mr. Alkis Astyakopoulos from KEMEA (Greece).