Our partners from AMSPM and KEMEA participated to 35th Bled eConference – Digital Restructuring and Human (Re)action Conference 2022 and presented the EFFECTOR Project paper entitledCombined AI Capabilities for Enhancing Maritime Safety in a Common Information Sharing Environment”.

The paper is co-authored by AMSPM, ENG, THALES, KEMEA and SGMER and is available at the 35th Bled eConference’s proceedings: https://press.um.si/index.php/ump/catalog/book/691  (pp. 145-160)

Along with the AI modules elaborated in the paper, the InSyTo Toolbox and Early Collision Notification System, the project EFFECTOR was presented focusing on CISE-based interoperability of maritime surveillance agencies with emphasis on Big Data and AI technologies support for ensuring maritime safety and security.